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Suggestions Today: 0|Threads: 35

New window Filter: All 1 month |Ordered by: Replies/Views |Digest|Recommended
Author Replies/Views Last Post
Poll Do we need (player) GMs with Mute powers? attach_img heatlevel  ...23 Rainy 2016-1-29 237554 switchkun17 2016-2-9 16:22
Organizing gay pride parade at Myth War 2! attach_img heatlevel  ...23 TheOnlyOne 2016-2-7 218042 TheBorg2000 2016-3-2 13:05
Christmas Event recommend heatlevel  ...23 cfranco2 2015-12-4 205978 f1zzl3n4t3r 2015-12-13 04:29
Poll Bring x10 exp on maps Again!! attach_img heatlevel  ...2 lof1 2016-1-24 186303 eastcape13 2016-2-21 08:28
Myth War 1??? attach_img heatlevel  ...2 f1zzl3n4t3r 2015-12-11 188736 Bonjo 2016-2-26 13:40
Few Suggestions to improve game. recommend heatlevel  ...2 ElusionStorage 2016-2-23 177202 TheBorg2000 2016-3-11 14:24
Possible pets to be added in upcoming updates heatlevel  ...2 benni07 2016-5-22 148748 ruudalves 2016-5-30 16:58
Robbers heatlevel  ...2 switchkun17 2015-12-17 137375 SPO 2016-2-29 09:29
Top Up Important!  ...2 furio11 2016-3-1 105034 furio11 2016-3-11 00:18
Top 100 gold and Level Names On website recommend TornadoFury 2015-12-19 92960 evimons 2015-12-30 19:52
Stop whining zardy89 2016-1-22 92782 VeniVictrix 2016-2-4 16:59
Just a suggestion to prevent inflation.. recommend lapitchoune 2015-12-7 83367 TheBorg2000 2016-3-11 14:29
World chat recommend zardy89 2015-12-4 72502 Burnt 2015-12-8 19:33
Poll Replace Wednesday event (with Wednesday Vival Event) SPO 2016-3-3 63692 TheBorg2000 2024-3-5 20:34
Wood and Bly def VeskoVutov 2016-1-17 53718 eah2 2016-1-22 01:16
PlayTest Server to test the events. BofDragon 2015-12-31 53026 phreakin3181 2016-1-16 05:51
Mall users/vips joehutchings1 2016-1-10 52818 joehutchings1 2016-1-12 22:10
Poll Extend Market to Desert City SPO 2016-3-25 53224 Superman 2017-7-16 08:56
Stop Whining Act 2 magicalnoob 2016-12-13 53161 a264 2017-2-21 22:37
Poll What you think about the game now? andr694 2016-11-26 44713 Superman 2017-5-6 20:49

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