princess0821's SpaceShare



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happilykilln 2017-4-1 02:43
your email is not verified. on the login page, activate anything that needs to activate. I had to when I made my account. couldn't play with out activating the 2 things. I am still disconnected still.
happilykilln 2017-4-1 02:37
did u get the disconnected thing fixed.... I am having the same problem. if you did pls send me a msg on how you did it pls. I like this game and I want to play it more, ty :)
benni07 2017-3-11 07:18
princess0821: hi benni, idk whats going on.. i still cant log any of my acc's.. it happened after maint
Other people are having the same problem, Rose has not logged in yet, so we are waiting.
princess0821 2017-3-11 05:50
Hi, Benni, idk what's going on.. i cant log my acc's even friends acc i cant log.
benni07 2017-3-10 22:37
princess0821: Benni#46
What's up?

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