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Chat Zone Today: 2|Threads: 39

New window Filter: Debate 2 days |Ordered by: Replies/Views |Digest|Recommended
Author Replies/Views Last Post
A quick look into Chinese Myth War 2 attachment heatlevel  ...23456 goldenboots 2017-3-29 5417164 Stormknight 2017-10-22 12:03
Mythwar at Work :D  ...23 amaregin93 2016-2-29 287160 amaregin93 2016-3-5 23:24
Is it the same old MythWar II game? heatlevel  ...2 EvilDS 2015-11-26 186044 TheBorg2000 2016-3-2 12:39
is TDT a real company? recommend heatlevel  ...2 JACKHKG 2017-1-25 189330 Drayken 2019-4-17 11:12
***** POST YOUR PETS (WITH PICTURES) ***** attach_img heatlevel  ...2 Damage 2016-4-27 147099 raimib88 2023-7-29 23:34
Vendetta heatlevel  ...2 BmjSorohan 2015-12-21 114396 EvilDS 2015-12-27 06:14
Some questions  ...2 Amumu 2016-9-12 116136 Stormknight 2016-11-10 14:50
myth war 2 come back  ...2 snake 2015-11-25 105311 Rainy 2015-12-18 03:54
Poll Your favorite const/zodiac pet? heatlevel Damage 2016-1-1 106929 oktay 2024-5-21 16:05
Discord jamouyi 2016-5-8 94719 skop1992 2021-9-11 22:59
New account registration tibike333 2016-4-17 84010 tibike333 2016-4-24 12:58
To Rose stui16 2018-11-6 84062 trevorwhites 2019-11-14 17:45
我遇到一个困难 enhaoba 2016-4-5 73355 JACKHKG 2017-1-25 19:28
Happy new year! VeniVictrix 2016-1-1 74393 tilipe 2016-1-4 13:38
Greeting and introdution VeskoVutov 2015-11-26 72506 benni07 2015-12-16 11:44
So happy to see this game after SO many years! albertoptpt 2016-3-22 62957 zabegan34 2016-3-24 20:24
need recommendation... jhyaappa7 2017-10-29 63452 nipplez 2022-10-14 01:54
TDT KILLING MYTHWAR! hat1999 2018-10-7 53115 goldboy771 2018-11-3 17:18
is there a discord that we all can gather on? Boxk1ng 2021-4-11 52225 sundenbolt 21 hr ago
Where's the newbies? Nitaire 2017-2-7 52898 magicalnoob 2017-3-25 06:19

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