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New window Filter: Poll 1 day |Ordered by: Replies/Views |Digest|Recommended
Author Replies/Views Last Post
We need x10exp weekend recommend heatlevel  ...23456 rikichan 2015-11-27 5215176 switchkun17 2015-12-5 21:48
update.exe recommend  ...234 celestecia 2015-11-26 359764 wqydbaxf 2015-11-27 04:43
World server disconnect heatlevel  ...234 mikey 2015-12-18 3215209 successlife1 2018-12-15 19:30
X-Mas failure recommend heatlevel  ...234 ogfoxing 2015-12-25 308645 Boelens 2015-12-29 00:07
Poll Should be removed the 5$ tax for register? recommend heatlevel  ...23 Habbar 2017-3-28 2514787 bobosmall520 2024-5-23 13:35
TDT = Ignorant greedy gallyvanters recommend  ...23 pacientMK 2016-1-21 249294 VeniVictrix 2016-2-4 16:58
so many hours maint? heatlevel  ...23 kurthjonas1990 2018-5-23 237254 Stormknight 2018-6-13 13:45
$20 recharge USD for account activation? attach_img heatlevel  ...23 Superman 2016-2-24 237783 magicalnoob 2016-2-27 21:03
About Admin or Gm of Myth war heatlevel  ...23 0ddand3dd 2017-8-3 227298 anivasu007 2017-9-21 20:49
Izanami there heatlevel  ...23 SoosRobert128 2019-2-1 205811 Stormknight 2019-2-24 02:15
Updates recommend heatlevel  ...2 Superman 2016-3-15 196161 Rainy 2016-3-24 22:17
Help heatlevel  ...2 elvia666juan 2016-4-10 196148 BofDragon 2016-4-13 23:25
Help world server is offline?? heatlevel  ...2 DeerMilky 2020-8-6 175113 hamza 2020-8-29 16:58
Quit Banning Legit Players Please. attach_img recommend heatlevel  ...2 BofDragon 2015-12-21 165742 lapitchoune 2015-12-24 01:25
o.0 vendetta has super mine attach_img heatlevel  ...2 BmjSorohan 2015-12-24 155198 benni07 2015-12-25 10:28
Xmas event rewards recommend heatlevel  ...2 Undertaker 2015-12-22 156974 phreakin318 2015-12-24 17:08
Wiil you ever fix your account activation bugs? attach_img heatlevel  ...2 8bank8 2016-1-1 155581 8bank8 2016-2-2 16:38
tdt banning heatlevel  ...2 sharmal1 2020-7-18 154309 sharmal1 2020-7-21 13:18
Rose : Help on Dragon please  ...2 koriotto 2016-12-23 145341 koriotto 2016-12-28 07:50
Server is busy, cannot update - 2016 MW2 heatlevel  ...2 TheTrueGamerZ 2016-6-7 145720 benni07 2016-7-19 12:13

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