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Poll Do you like closing the game 1_2 days for China? ahmed8520 2020-4-8 52459 ahmed8520 2024-7-21 11:45
Any Discord server? shoni1a 2020-5-1 52177 sundenbolt 2024-6-13 01:09
Discord Channel? Necrobis 2024-6-12 121 sundenbolt 2024-6-13 00:52
New Player, Could Use Advice Itzon911 2024-4-3 026 Itzon911 2024-4-3 07:58
THE GAME IS DEATH? recommend guirsantos 2022-12-9 1184 xorkatoss 2023-7-12 00:18
Unable to collocate memory error, any1 can help? funlover123 2022-4-1 5133 R2D2 2022-11-21 13:48
World Server Disconnected? virgil084 2022-4-9 270 vasylek83 2022-11-21 10:28
Catalin R2D2 2022-11-8 059 R2D2 2022-11-8 07:29
Phoenix or Dragon Server? recommend virgil084 2022-4-6 2156 PythonDeuce 2022-6-7 15:34
Mythwar1 and Music_Man is in the house recommend MusicMan 2020-4-9 92809 besdies 2021-6-26 09:52
hmmm every day Server Maintenance? how nice coldsoul7k 2020-5-9 52303 coldsoul7k 2020-5-10 18:36
the server crashed / maintained? katana 2020-4-16 01587 katana 2020-4-16 13:41
cheater tools people kike2016 2020-2-2 42671 zabegan34 2020-2-6 03:11
Heya lordfury 2019-8-9 22312 lordfury 2019-8-13 12:49
mythwar server down? zetkuya 2019-4-4 33463 unistring 2019-4-12 13:51
SOOO marremurt 2019-2-2 32538 birdfrog 2019-3-31 13:14
Pro dedei doing surv once again davidsweis 2019-1-27 02219 davidsweis 2019-1-27 22:17
A PRO doing survival like you've never seen davidsweis 2018-4-6 03026 davidsweis 2018-4-6 22:22
hi hihuha6795 2017-12-19 23080 Mighty_10 2017-12-21 14:49
Perfect and non perf mages heatlevel  ...23 lolsowtf123 2017-4-4 219123 wedevent55 2017-12-3 07:22

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