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Author Replies/Views Last Post
Gathering information on monsters Boelens 2016-1-11 32290 jetroh 2016-1-15 12:01
Server security bulletin heatlevel  ...23 admin 2016-1-8 206158 zardy89 2016-1-15 00:33
Poll: Some future changes about leveling. recommend  ...234 benni07 2016-1-11 3810597 benni07 2016-1-14 20:50
Serevr Busy or Disconnection attach_img dks002 2016-1-2 62277 dks002 2016-1-11 23:31
Gm Rose's Attack! attach_img jetroh 2016-1-8 32840 jetroh 2016-1-8 22:21
best way to get gold around lvl 20? Boelens 2015-12-21 62132 Stormknight 2016-1-8 21:29
wanted this on the website -.- attach_img BmjSorohan 2016-1-1 31984 benni07 2016-1-1 22:54
Vendetta Guild Chat attach_img lilbitnuttz 2015-12-21 42755 lilbitnuttz 2015-12-27 16:28
FIRST RB OF THE GAME attach_img recommend heatlevel  ...23 jameszornes 2015-12-20 237674 0256037 2015-12-21 05:50
bullshit money making by being AFK all week attach_img heatlevel  ...234 theallmighty 2015-12-14 328903 davidsweis 2015-12-20 04:00
True or False? heatlevel  ...2 ornell 2015-12-8 124445 Rainy 2015-12-19 04:20
People are already cheating... Soon economy will be fucked :D recommend lapitchoune 2015-12-16 82805 Krzychu1987 2015-12-18 07:38
Scammer/hacker alert attach_img ogfoxing 2015-12-9 62631 Rainy 2015-12-18 03:55
About spam threads in the Announcement Section benni07 2015-12-14 72171 Rainy 2015-12-17 21:15
I'm already worried about the prices hamstergeval 2015-12-1 52248 Rainy 2015-12-17 21:05
first gm interference. attach_img recommend heatlevel  ...23 BmjSorohan 2015-11-30 226999 Rainy 2015-12-17 21:03
HEY GUYS :D dannyf16 2015-12-16 32035 Rainy 2015-12-17 20:50
HIGHEST LEVELS heatlevel  ...2 jameszornes 2015-12-4 133859 owjerowj 2015-12-10 07:09

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